strange bug appears sudenly

ok so i was working as usual and then the next thing i know my ai stops moving the characters are frozen like dolls seemingly forever i cant figure out how this happened it was fine one monent and the next its broken i have a video maybe someone knows whats happened and what i should do about it. also the ai move to says its blocked if that helps ive clicked a bunch of colisions stuff to try to fix it to
2024-10-31 08-35-25.mkv (5.3 MB)

I wonder why they fall like this and then spinning - do you have “Simulate Physics” checked on your AI mesh? Maybe that’s the problem?

ive clicked and unclicked that one many times

  • show the character component hierarchy
  • explain what’s in the Construction Script / Begin Play
  • elaborate on what Tick is doing
  • Behaviour Tree?
  • Timers?

Give us something to work with at least. Helps us help you and so on and so forth…

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thanks for the interest the blueprint is just a base character (APSULE MESH ARROW MOVEMENT COMPONENT)with a simple patrol loop system in it. it was working fine and then it stopped out of fthe blue so its been strange. it must be somewhere in the characterr cus when i make another character it has no problems with ai move but for whatever reason theese guys are blocked and locked up

OK SO YOU WERE HALF RIGT I WAS WRONG I DIDNT CLICK ENOUGH TICK BOXXS AND SOMEWHOW MISSED THAT THE CAPSULE WAS SIMULATING PHYSICS im flabergatsted that i missed this but thanks for the right thought after i told myself it wasnt

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