Strange AI movement

I made basic AI movement like there: UE4 Pathfinding...basic AI - Cinematics & Media - Epic Developer Community Forums but my character has strange movement behavior. My AI doesn’t rotate smooth but immediately so it looks non-natural.
I recorded video illustrated this:
- YouTube

Anyone knows what’s going on?



Go into the movement component of the character and turn on “Orient Rotation to Movement” and go into the Defaults and turn off “Use Controller Rotation Yaw”. Let me know if that helps.

[= ;18767]

Go into the movement component of the character and turn on “Orient Rotation to Movement” and go into the Defaults and turn off “Use Controller Rotation Yaw”. Let me know if that helps.

Yes, it helped me. Thank you very much! :slight_smile:

[=“anonymous_user_f0f84816, post:2, topic:2725”]


Go into the movement component of the character and turn on “Orient Rotation to Movement” and go into the Defaults and turn off “Use Controller Rotation Yaw”. Let me know if that helps.

Could you please explain what’s going on and why change helps?