How can I store a variable when actor is destroyed without using game instance. Here is the basic function.
I duplicated this actor 10 times. When I overlap and integer actors becomes 5, it destroys but when I pass to second actor, integer value resets. I thought maybe if I use that actor as a child, maybe it can store parent variable values but no. I know how to use game instance and I did with game instance but I am not sure whether I have to use game instance to achieve this or not. I read other topics but everyone suggested different method to solve his problem rather than explain how to store a variable.
I created a new empty actor drag random point in scene so it will be created. Than I will create variables inside that actor and use those variables rather than my main actor so when my actor is destroyed, variables will not reset and registered in that actor so I can access whenever I want. Other than that any better idea to store a variable from destroyed actor.