This fixed it! Thank you very much!!
Hi there,
I have an issue where I have set up jumping for a character but when jump is pressed multiple times it will restart the animation while in the air, my goal is to have it play the animation only once when space is hit to jump and ignore if space is hit until the jump animation has ended - essentially I only want my character to be able to jump once before hitting the ground. (I am new to unreal and any pictures with completed BP for me to view and study would be appreciated) Thanks in advance
the best way to do this, is instead of having montages to just use them in an animation blueprint
if theres a reason you do need to use montages, you can use a branch in teh beginning of input action jump, and check if isFalling is false (isFalling comes from the character movement component) that way you shouldnt be able to jump while youre in the air already.
I found a solution for that, you can change, Jump Z velocity