Stopping AmbientSound from Blueprint

I have an AmbientSound that plays in my level and I want to stop it from playing from a pickup’s Blueprint but I cannot get a reference to the AmbientSound to do that - what am I missing?

I CAN get a reference to it from the Level Blueprint, but I’m trying to stop the sound when something is picked up


OK so I figure I need an Event Dispatcher - next question is…

I have many pickups in the level and when a certain level is hit the event should fire - how do I create a event call in the level blueprint for ANY of the possible pickups? I see how I can set a reference to one, but any of the pickups can trigger the event so what’s an easy way to do this?

Well I ended up NOT using the Event Dispatcher because the engine crashed every time I tried to use it - although it could have been me doing it wrong but I thought I followed the tutorial correctly…

anyway I just said screw it and let the music play on past winning the level LOL