Hello, I would like to know if there is a way for my enemy to stop or freeze the animation when he touches my character and dies?
in goomba I don’t know what to put
In another project I put this, but here it worked for me
Hello, I would like to know if there is a way for my enemy to stop or freeze the animation when he touches my character and dies?
in goomba I don’t know what to put
In another project I put this, but here it worked for me
You could create an enum called ECharacterState or something that has two values, Alive and Dead. Bring it into your animation blueprint (or wherever you’re doing the walking animation) and only perform the movement animation if that state is set to Alive and whatever other conditions you have are met.
The better options is to set the animation blueprint to only play that animation when the goomba is moving forward with a velocity above 0. That way when you disable its movement it will drop to 0 and stop walking forward.
Could you be more specific with graphics?
there I managed to make it stop
I did this
but when I connect again to kill the enemy
It generates both the animation of killing and killing myself
and the collisions are separate
there is no solution?
It looks like you’re killing the goomba when they touch the capsule component for the player instead of when the player touches the collision on the top. At least if I’m understanding the Blueprint above correctly. I’d instead to a ‘on begin overlap’ for the head/stomp collision box and check to see if it is the player - if so, kill the goomba.