or you could just not have the player posses the character until after it plays.
Hey every, I recently started using UE4 again after a long period of time. I’m working on this mini project and I’m trying to use the blueprint to stop my character from moving until the montage is complete at the begging of the level. I would really appreciate it if I could get some help so thanks in advance.
Try using the blueprint “Disable input”
Thanks guys, not quite sure how to unpossess the character but I’ll give both of yours answers a shot.
you posses and unposses the character via the player controller. in your case what you could do is to not have a default pawn assigned in the game mode. then just place the character in the level. and finally after the montage or cinematic plays then in the level bp just use get player controller then drag off that and search for posses.
I’m sorry, I’m not getting this right away. So I removed the default pawn from the game mode. The cinematic plays, now I did do get player controller and drag it to get posses. But it’s still not working, do I connect possess or get player controller to something else?
Also, one more thing. Do I put this in a certain blueprint?
are you playing the cinematic from the level bp? is so then i would put the script there then you can get a reference to the character for the posses node. something like the below example is what i was talking about.
Ok, thanks buddy. I didn’t even know what a Level Blueprint was until now. I’ll give it a try and see if it works.
Hey I got it working but by disabling and enabling the inputs. I didn’t do it with the lp using the sequencer because I wan’t to learn how to use it good.