stop logic restart logicにはdelayは使えないのか?Can't I use delay for stop logic restart logic?

始めまして。自分は、敵が当たると止まるというプログラムを書いているのですが、 stop logicとrestart logicの間にdelayを挟んで使っています。調べたところdelayが使えないことが分かり詰まってしまっています。解決方法分かる方教えてほしいです。
Nice to meet you. I am writing a program that stops when it is hit by an enemy and I am using delay between stop logic and restart logic. I’ve checked and found that I can’t use delay, so I’m stuck. I would like to know if anyone knows how to solve this problem.

hi @Ketesun

Why can you not use Delay? What about TaskWaitDelay?


I’m bit confused about what your asking so can you explain how the system is suppose to work?

I’ve seen many people who use delays and have issues and I have an solution to that if that’s what your looking for.
You can use the “Set Timer By Event” node which sets a timer and when the timer ends, it will call an event. You can make a custom event and hook it up to the Restart Logic. You can also use the “Clear Timer By Function Name” (put the custom event name as the parameter) to stop the timer and clear the time so the Restart Logic will not call.

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Thanks for the reply.
This program is a bullet. When the bullet hits the enemy, the enemy would stop for 5 seconds. However, when the enemy hits this bullet, it stops but does not move and an error occurs.
Is it possible to solve this problem by the above method?