stop input in progress

It might just be me, but I am not seeing what the problem is here, you are setting the bool to false, which sets the velocity to 0, so what is happening? Are you still casting when setting the variables, if so, does the cast succeed? From the picture you posted above, finito needs to be inside of the character blueprint, unless you will be setting the velocity to 0 from somewhere else.

the finito variables begin false when the variables ore are = to 6 … then the charachter must stop to move and only the wigdet have to appear…with this my pg still move

Sorry but, i’m out. I told you what to do. Do it, and we can talk again. Right now you are just arguing about things you did in your Widget, which aren’t working apparently.
There seems to be some other things you are doing that are not visible for us.

man in my screen the movement should be 0 right? i do all good right? or i wrong?

finally i solved…thanks exi i read better your message and i realized that i’m a dump ahahhahah sorry for all exi ç_ç

I think if you could get us some prints of your blueprints logic all along the post, it could have half the number of replies.

Get used to print your blueprints, knowing that is a visual programming language…

Keep in mind those good practices, it’ll be easier for us and for you to explain where is your problem.

You don’t have to apologize. I’m sorry for being a bit upset there. (: Hope everything works now!

yes i ve finished now i m building the pack…from 8 hours xD

Good luck on your project Siengried, we’re here to help and be helped :slight_smile:

The most important is not to give up