so that the character’s animations do not occur when colliding with the collision; so that the character does not have animations when trying to run against the collision `-´
You can try adding a physical animation component and setting up the “give”.
But - you wont be stopping the animation from happening unless you actually create a system to prevent the animation from happening.
so I make a blueprint linked to the collision/WSDA command/position of the static character (which is when he is not walking). so how do I do this?
You don’t.
You can’t “stop” player input that way.
You have to check IF the input can actually be applied before you do so.
If I’m understanding your question correctly, I think you need to be looking at using a blendspace animation.
So, what you’d be doing here is setting up an Animation Blueprint,
and then so long as the character is in their ‘locomotion’ state, you’d be using the Blendspace Animation to drive that.
You can basically pass in a variable to this thing to determine the movement direction, and speed.
This is a video I followed ages ago, and it was super helpful.
Info you really need to know starts about a minute in.
thanks, now I can create the animation. But how to create a blueprint so that this animation happens when colliding with walls, blocking volume, etc, I can’t do because I don’t know the functions of the nodes
You should look into Animation Blueprints. It’s a whole topic unto itself really.
The channel I linked above has a few more resources.
It’s going to take some time to pick it up, but I promise you doing this legwork now will save you pain in the future.
Think of it as a pipeline like this:
Controller → Character → AnimBP → Individual Animations