Hello, I have a canon which shots to enemies. I want that when I shot eight times, the camera shakes. After a few seconds I want the shaking stops. I used “Stop camera shake”, but it doesn’t work. What can I do?
Thank you!
Where do you set the Camera Shake reference you have plugged into the Stop Camera Shake node?
I cannot see it being set in the screenshot you gave.
If it has not been set to reference the camerashake that is playing, it will do nothing.
I’m not sure, but I imagine the Return Value pin of the Play Camera Shake node has the reference you need.
I clicked on Promote to Variable, where I should set the reference?
In order to shoot to enemies I use the space bar. Now I realize that, after the eight shots, if I press the space bar the shakings stop. Even if I remove the Stop Camera Shake node when I press the space bar they stop.