Stop Animation at Variable Frame (or time)?

It seems very basic that there would be a node allowing you to stop a montage or animation at a variable frame (or time) determined at runtime just like you can start an animation or montage at a variable time.

Since I can’t find anything (and I don’t know C++), I’m exploring a workaround using an animation modifiers to set a notify.

Unfortunately, I can’t find a way to reference the animation modifier from another blueprint OR to reference a character blueprint within the animation modifier blueprint.

Any ideas?

I had another idea about instantiating a Animation Data Controller and using a ‘set number of frame’ or a ‘resize number of frame’ node but that seems like a dead end and I can’t even figure out the point of those nodes.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Ok, so it looks like Animation Modifiers can only be called by sequences and skeletons AND there is no way to ‘get’ the modifier from instances of either within a blueprint.

The answer is to use an animation blueprint then get a reference to the sequence player using this trick of tagging the sequence.

Then you can Get Accumulated time and stop the animation if the value returned is greater than or equal to your variable.

seems clunky but it works.

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