How to stop animation after dying and not happening like in the gif because every time the mesh is rotating again,the animation is played again (even if the charachter is suposed to be dead already).
Thank you!
Use Animation Blueprint and State Machines. When your character enters ‘Dying’ state play anim without looping, and when he dies u can set other animation of any ‘special pose’
Can you guys please be a little more specific jucăușe I am new on this platform and I can t figura out exactly what you mean.Please and thank you very much!
Can you guys please be a little more specific jucăușe I am new on this platform and I can t figura out exactly what you mean.Please and thank you very much!
Can you guys please be a little more specific jucăușe I am new on this platform and I can t figura out exactly what you mean.Please and thank you very much!
They way I did this was with the PlayAnimation node but once you called that, make sure to update collision so the “Death” event isn’t triggered multiple times or think of some DoOnce logic.
I don’t know what is best practice here, maybe a one-way death state in the state machine is the better choice.
How are you currently playing the death animation? If you post some screenshots, it would be easier to understand where the problem might be and therefore easier help you too.
Where are you calling your “Death Event”? maybe try using “Do Once” Node. It will call your event only once, until you reset it.
Yes, so if you place a DoOnce node right before the PlayAnimation node, you avoid calling it multiple times.
Try that and see if it solves your problem.
Also I’d advise to call DisableMovement on it’s character component, otherwise players might still be able to move while the pawn is actually playing the death animation.