If i understood it correctly, you have to call only one timeline at time, and disable everyone else. I would create event with parameter, like ID, and with sequence node, for every lesson create a branch, and on condition create like “ID PARAMETER” not equal with “ID OF LESSON”. And if it’s true, stop the timeline. I hope i wrote it clear, but if not - feel free to ask.
Is there a way to stop multiple timelines? I have a drum machine that plays different beats to witch is timelines using events, however there is a timeline for each beat and i want to make sure all timelines stop as each beat is changed.
below as you can see its a spaghetti mess.
as of right now I’m using a sequence node to stop the other timelines incase they are running, it works but there has got to be a simpler way to do this. as I add more and more lesson beats its going to get even more ugly.
Please say there is a way i can stop all timelines then start the timeline that is being called.
that is what i have in my widget. however there is no stop timeline except the one on the timeline node it’s self. this is why i have the spaghetti mess. i can’t find a node that is Stop or start timeline. only way to do it is from the timeline execution pins. i was hoping there is a stop all timelines node or an easy way to make all timelines stop. basicaly the timeline 1 is running, if i choose lesson 2 it should stop lesson 1 but the problem is if lesson 3 is running and i go back to lesson 1 it still requires the spaghetti mess to tell each timeline that is running to stop.
oh, then i dunno about it, sorry. AFAIK there is no such special node that would disable all timelines. But you can try set time dilation to 0. Seems that time dilation also affects on timelines.