Stop a delay

Nothing too complicated, i just need to stop the execution of a delay mid-way through it. I just needed for a delay to be stopped under a bool

it would just be like a branch inside of a delay.

I don’t believe that’s possible. A better alternative would probably be to set a Timer to go off in 0.2 seconds. If you suddenly don’t need the timer you can clear it and manually execute what it would have executed.

Hey @FippiOmega!

It’s going to depend on what exactly you need, but this is not a thing- one thing you could do is use a “Retriggerable Delay” node so it can be restarted if that’s what’s needed, or keep this with a branch afterwards because if the goal is to keep what the delay is delaying from happening at all, the branch will prevent it.

Another road would be to use a timer. Timers can be stopped and cleared, but also paused. This method gives you the most options.

Hope that helps! :slight_smile:

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Idea using lots of sequence

An idea to do that is to make a variable that is called duration and when you run the custom command do a sequence, the first thing you want to do is to set duration to 0.2 (or whatever you want it to be), then you want to run a branch, if true then divide duration by 2, if false, do none. and finnally the third thing you want to do is to is run the delay with a duration of the variable duration.

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Thanks, this is exacly what i needed

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