Stock first person arms running animation randomly stopping

Hey guys, so I have made a quick video of the problem I am experiencing. I am not experienced with the animation side of things at all, so please excuse my ignorance if the solution is obvious. Heres a quick summary of my issue followed by a google drive link to the video since it’s over 29mb which is all Unreal Forumns will allow:

I am using the stock first person shooter arms that are already animated by Unreal. The only change I have made related anything to do with these arms are to the skeleton which I have simply added a right hand socket for a sword. Then in my character pawn I have added the sword’s mesh as a child to the arms and parented that right hand socket to it.

The issue I am having is my running animation gets stuck after a few seconds. I do not know if this is the end of the animation loop and for some reason it is simply not re looping, or if it’s something else. If I stop running after it freezes the animation works again, but only for the same amount of time before freezing in place again. All the other animations in the blueprint for the arms from Unreal seem to work fine. (Jumping and falling for example).

Please help a frustrated brother out, and please let me know if you need any more information. Thanks!


Set it to loop from the Asset Details like this:

That’s because you’re retriggering the non-looping animation.

Hope this helps! :blush:

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So correct me if I am wrong, but you want me to do this in the running animation itsself, right? Not the whole arms animation blueprint, or somewhere else? The reason I ask is because I did what you showed for the fwd running animation because it was unchecked, but it didn’t make any difference for some reason. I also restarted Unreal after to see if that may have caused it to take affect.

I tried looking into the FirstPerson_AnimBp just to see if this option was somewhere in it as well thinking maybe thats where I needed to do it, but I could not find the option anywhere in said blueprint, so I assume it isn’t what you were referring to.

You loop animation assets individually, that would be correct.

Yep, that’s expected. You should delete the animation asset node from the Anim Graph and drag it again from the Asset Browser after the changes.

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I’m so sorry for being annoying, but I just want to be careful as again I am not experienced at all with this side of things, I am good at c++ coding, and quite a lot in the editor, but animations is not one of them lol. Is this the node you mean?

Nope, the red animation node of your running animation for the arms, which you either plugged into the Out Pose of a state, or dragged the animation asset into the graph inside a blend space.

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This is the stock first person arms from Unreal and every animation also came from Unreal. So I haven’t done anything to any of the animations, the only thing I have changed is the skeleton of the arms by adding a right hand socket.
So how do I go about finding what you are talking about? My pawn uses the SK_Mannequin_Arms Skeletal mesh with the FirstPerson_AnimBP_C blueprint (again, both are from Unreal and made by Unreal and are provided in the “starter content” of fps shooter).
The picture I last showed you is of the FirstPerson_AnimBP with the AnimGraph open. So if it is not here, I do not know where to find it. That node I circled when I right click on it and select “Find reference” to try to get more info on it, these are all what pop up in the results.

But for whatever weird reason, I can not find anything in this blueprint where it shows all the animations being selected with it (The falling animation, the jumping, and the running foward all provided by Unreal included with this blueprint), even though it 1000% uses all of these animations because obviously they all work except for the running fwd one which stops looping in my case.
Again, I apologize for the ignorance. I really want to figure this out, and I will be forever grateful if you stick it out and help me.

Here are some more pictures for context

@VisAgilis I have edited my comment to include more photos

Double click on the black nodes, they’re state machines.

And the full dark ones are the cached poses. They’ll send you to their state machines, which again, you can double click on and see the inside of the locomotion with it’s states.

You can double click on the states that are indicated by half white - half black circle icons and see the animations / blend spaces / cached poses inside.

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Ok I think I found it! The red node in the final photo is the one you want me to refresh, correct?

I’m gonna attempt it after posting this reply and then when I get done and read your answer to if that is the one, hopefully I’ll be able to reply with good news haha

You are an absolute legend bro. This fixed it! Ty for being so patient, I would have NEVER figured that out on my own. Far too many embedded things lol. Ty times a million man.

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