Still trying to debug difference between Development and Shipping Packages

I am still trying to debug why my WindowCapture2d plugin, updated from 4.27 to 5.4, works in debug and development, but fails to render the window copy in a Shipping build (even from the debugger). Otherwise, the two versions both work fine. Nothing crashes… the texture is black in one case, and reflects the selected window contents in the other.

I have identified the following difference in memory after the following call:

TextureTarget = UTexture2D::CreateTransient(m_WindowSize.X, m_WindowSize.Y, PF_B8G8R8A8);

In the case of the working (Development) version, TargetTexture looks like this:

but in the non working shipping build, it looks like this:

I’ll admit I am somewhat out of my depth, but this is where the difference in behavior as led me. I have debug symbols loaded in my 5.4 binary download, but can’t step into the CreateTransient function. I don’t know what to do in VisualStudio2020 to allow me to debug in engine code.

I hope someone can offer some insight.


I have taken the C++ plugin code modified to work under 5.4, and and dropped it into a new empty 4.27 project. Under 4.27, the packaged shipping version works, while under 5.4 the debug and development versions work, while the shipping version does not. It doesn’t crash, but also doesn’t render the captured window on the plane as expected. Have I found a bug in 5.4?