Stick to your own Conventions

Docs say X is forward.
Official Assets use Y Forward.
Character Blueprint uses Y Forward aswell.

The official mannequin is Y-forward yes, but in the character BP it is rotated 90 degrees to face X, so not sure what you mean by “Character Blueprint uses Y”.

The HeroTPP uses X Forward
The Mannequin uses Y Forward.

You are right regarding the Character BP. My mistake.

This is indeed pretty confusing. Appearantly it’s because they have poeple working in maya, where Y is forward, and this makes it simpler for them?

Well to be fair, all of their templates are lazy at best and barely anything is set up properly in them. Having the character rotated 90 degrees in a Blueprint is the least issue honestly.

Oh and let’s not forget about that their docs are mostly either useless (like not even describing what it does) or from ten versions ago.