Stereo panoramic movie plugin not working with VR scene

I already posted this message in another part of the forum but I seem to find it, also it is time sensitive so I would really appreciate your help with this.
original post.
I am trying to use the Stereo panoramic movie plugin for Unreal, but I can’t make it work.
I tested with other regular scene and it works fine, but when I try to export some images from my VR project it doesn’t work.
I started my project with the VR template and I developed an Arch Viz presentation for HTC Vive, now I would like to have some stereos panoramas from the same scene but the plugin is not working.

It is something I need to do to make it work on a VR project??
I can’t find information about it. your help is appreciated.

I’m brand new to unreal. I came here just to see the 180 panorama stereo camera work so I could use my daz asset to make vr films. I can’t find this camera anywhere no mater how hard I follow instructions. Why is it missing? Please help.