I only have a mac mini and a powerful PC so I’d prefer to do most of my work on PC and only compile on mac and use it for packaging. I’m trying to setup UnrealRemoteTool and it generates an ipa, but fails to open my descriptor file on startup. I want to double check my steps. Can someone confirm I’m doing this right?
Mac is on Mavericks
PC is on Windows 8 with Visual Studio Express 2013
Here’s my steps so far:
-Clone GitHub
-Install Xcode from the app store
-Sign up for Apple Developer IOS
-Create mobileprovision file on the Apple Developer site that covers my iphones and ipad
-Install the mobileprovision on all my devices
-Start a terminal session
-sudo mkdir /UE4
-sudo chmod 777 /UE4
-sudo mkdir -p /Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles
-sudo chmod 777 /Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles
-Run the UnrealRemoteTool binary from Engine/Build/IOS/
-Clone from GitHub
-Run generate project files batch
-Open the solution file
-Build UE4 project in development win64
-Edited RemoteServerName in RemoteToolChain.cs to point at my mac (The correct way is to set an environment variable, but this works)
-Add loadFromRemoteSources enabled="true" />
to the iphone packager exe config and app config to work around a packager error
-Added UE4Games.uprojectdirs file to the root directory with “./” in it
-Open UE4Editor.exe
-Make a new Basic Code project called IOSTest
-Built IOSTest Development Editor Win64 in VS 2013
-Open UE4Editor.exe, pick IOSTest, run in Mobile Simulator just for fun
-Build IOSTest Test config IOS platform in VS 2013
-Double click the IPA generated in the UE4\machinename*dirpathonpc*\Binaries\IOS
-Open the Apps tab in iTunes for my connected iPhone, click install next to IOSTest, Click sync
Is UnrealRemoteTool going to be fully supported eventually?