Stepping forward with Gameplay Tags

Dear Epic Games Team,

I hope this message finds you well. As an avid user of the Unreal Engine, I have been continuously impressed by the advancements and improvements you have made to the engine over the years.

I would like to express my appreciation for the C++ interface you have provided for Gameplay Tags, which has proven to be a great asset for developers. However, I would like to suggest a further improvement to the system, specifically the integration of default Gameplay Tags variables in Actors and ActorComponents. Additionally, it would be beneficial to replace or eliminate older string-based Component Tags functions like GetAllActorsWithTag. I believe these changes would simplify the development process and allow for more efficient and organized tag management.

By including default Gameplay Tags variables in Actors and ActorComponents and replacing string-based Component Tags functions, developers can enjoy the following benefits:

  1. Simplified workflow: Having a default variable for Gameplay Tags directly in Actors and ActorComponents and eliminating the need for outdated functions like GetAllActorsWithTag would streamline the workflow and reduce the need for custom solutions.
  2. Consistency: Implementing default variables in these classes and replacing older string-based Component Tags functions would ensure a consistent approach to tag management across the engine, making it easier for developers to understand and utilize the system.
  3. Enhanced modularity: Integrating default Gameplay Tags variables in Actors and ActorComponents would promote a more modular approach to the tagging system, allowing developers to create more flexible and reusable code that can easily adapt to various project requirements.
  4. Plugin consistency: Adopting a unified tagging system would help create more consistent plugins in the Unreal Marketplace, as developers would always use the same Gameplay Tag system, making it easier for users to integrate and work with different plugins.

Integrating default Gameplay Tags variables in Actors and ActorComponents, and replacing or eliminating string-based Component Tags functions aligns with your commitment to innovation and the ongoing improvement of your engine. By providing a more robust, streamlined, and modular system, you will enable developers to create better experiences and higher-quality products.

I appreciate your consideration of this suggestion, and I am confident that these changes would benefit both your company and the Unreal Engine community as a whole. If you require any additional information or would like to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for your time and dedication to creating an outstanding game engine.