STEP import 'libalias_api.dll' does not exist


I keep on getting this feedback in the log when trying to import STEP files with Datasmith. Any ideas what I can do to resolve this?

LogDatasmithImport: Warning: Datasmith import error: Scene translation failure. Abort import.
LogEditorSessionSummary: EditorSessionSummary sent report. Type=Shutdown, SessionId={AF51A910-41A9-5C85-AE5A-0BB9CA358DF3}
LogEditorSessionSummary: EditorSessionSummary sent report. Type=Shutdown, SessionId={2670503A-48F6-1241-CDAB-E1B3FDF5B1F6}
LogSlate: Took 0.006834 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font '../../../Engine/Content/Slate/Fonts/DroidSansMono.ttf' (77K)
LogSlate: Window 'Choose Location for importing the Datasmith content' being destroyed
LogFactory: FactoryCreateFile: DatasmithScene with DatasmithImportFactory (0 0 ../../../../../../Users/warne/Downloads/1919.STEP)
LogWindows: Failed to load 'libalias_api.dll' (GetLastError=126)
LogWindows: File 'libalias_api.dll' does not exist
LogSlate: Window 'Datasmith Import Options' being destroyed
LogDatasmithImport: Warning: Datasmith import error: Scene translation failure. Abort import.

(UE4.23, standard Datasmith import)

I had the same error when working with glTF imports. Moving to 4.24 preview fixed it for me.

In fact… I was just trying 4.24… Here at least a Datasmith file is produced, but the same error is reported (and zero meshes are imported)

Have you tried the Dataprep workflow? I switched to that after moving to 4.24 as well.

I’m not familiar with that (and the <docs> seem less than helpful). Could you give a pointer? :slight_smile:

Have a look at my post here and the reply further down. You can create a Dataprep asset by right-clicking in the content browser as normal.

Antoine is the goto chap for this sort of stuff. A great guy.

I’ll look into it… thanks for the help!