But none of them work. In the last one (the youtube tutorial) i get an error trying to open my project saying: “The following modules are missing or built with a different engine version:
Would you like to rebuild them now?”
But when i click yes i get another error: “LearnBP could not be compile. Try rebuilding from source manually”
Thus my first question: “How should i do this?”
I also used the [Steam Setup Utility for UE4][1]
These are my paths:
The first error occurs is when i click setup.“Could not find a part of the path “F:\Programs…\4.13\Engine\Source\Programs\AutomationTool\Win\Winplatform.Automation.cs””
Everything is fine until i try to open the project and i get the same error (Missing/different version of UE4Editor-LearnBP.dll).
I don’t know what to do anymore. All help is appreciated.
A good starting point for setting up Steam integration is the wiki that I have linked below:
Take a look at that and let me know if it helps. I’d recommend trying it in a clean project first since you’ve already made some changes to your current project, and then if you can get that working go ahead and implement it in your main project.