I followed this step by step,
note: i tried different projects- and now its all just newest, freshest tps template.
My problem is when i open the project. steam overlay doesnt show up when i tried “Standalone”.
But if i try first “Selected view” then change it to “Standalone”. steam overlay working just fine.
And of course develoment/shipping builds also not working. but it doesnt matther which one, when i start playing the game. even if steam overlay doesnt works, in friends list im at game.
in tutotrial;
we just take steam public folder and copy to the Project Source folder.
Then automaticly created steam_appid.txt and steam init inside at GameMode.cpp.
everytime i open the project. “steam overlay” doesnt work. but steam friends list shows me im at game. when i change it “selected view” then change it back to “standalone”. it works fine. please help me any idea??
I always used this command to test things online… paste it in a BAT file and fix the project path. (maybe it will help)
@echo off
cd %~dp0
start “” “C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.2\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor.exe” “C:\ … \YourProject.uproject” -game -windowed -log -resx=800 -resy=900 -winx=0 -winy=20
Consider stopping using advanced sessions plugin. Online subsystem is deprecated for versions newer than 5.1
Online Services
The Online Services plugins have not been tested in shipping titles. As of UE 5.1, the Online Services plugins are an API-complete version for developers to use with the intention that they will be shipping on a future version of the engine. We also recommend using Online Services for developers targeting their own backend, or those who will be incorporating a number of UE upgrades beyond 5.1 into their project before shipping.
Online Subsystem
Use the Online Subsystem for any title shipping in the near future, or when you do not plan to incorporate any engine upgrades beyond UE 5.1 into the project.
Can you correct me if I’m wrong? I think I don’t use online subsystem steam anyway. I downloaded the “steamworks sdk” and assigned the public>steam folder in it to the required place in the Source folder of my project. I do not activate any plugins. I run the folders I moved to my project through GameMode.cpp and GameMode.h and I create the steamidtxt and automatically put it where necessary. shouldn’t I do this?
all this because “steam overlay” didn’t even open as standalone when I first opened the project. but after switching to “selected view”, everything plays when “standalone” returns.
Sorry, I’m not sure about that, I’ve never done it that way.
But advanced sessions is a plugin that uses the OnlineSubsystem and can be downloaded from the marketplace. Many people use it. So your title made me think so.
I hope someone can give you more specific details on your question.
Yeah, I’m having the same issue.
I also used this method to implement Steamworks SDK directly into my project without using OnlineSubsystems or AdvancedSessions. This is actually what Steam advises you to do because OnlineSubsystems doesn’t have all the functions that the SDK offers.
I’m calling the SteamAPI_Init function on my GameInstance instead of GameMode (I also tried on GameMode with the same result) and I’m printing the boolean result of the function. The boolean is printing “true” and if I open Steam externally, it shows I’m playing the game, but inside my game the overlay only shows up if I played the game once as Selected Viewport to then run as Standalone. I know that Standalone is the way to test the overlay, but the overlay should be there always and not after you run the game as Selected Viewport first. Also, packaged game doesn’t show the overlay at all.
I got it solved!
For anyone having trouble with this, you need to make the call for the SteamAPI_Init function as soon as possible. According to the documentation from Steam, “As such you’ll need to make sure to call SteamAPI_Init prior to initializing the OpenGL/D3D device, otherwise it won’t be able to hook the device creation.”
The best way to do this is making a plugin, placing the Steamworks SDK inside this plugin (you can use the video tutorial linked in the first message, the process is almost the same), and then you’re gonna call the SteamAPI_Init inside the StartupModule() of your plugin. Also, make sure your plugin is configured to load EarliestPossible.
Now, the overlay behaves correctly as it should inside the Editor and also in the packaged build.