Many errors belong with SteamVR input plugin for 4.23 in UE4(version 4.26.2) while packaging. Summerize all are followings :
Follow the tutorial, I download the SteamVR input plugin from Github and add it to my project, seems everything goes well before I package, logs print several types of warning :
- Cook Failed, for that like “motion controller pawn”(SteamVR input) is not a standard unreal filename or a long path name,… path does not start with a valid root ‘/Engine’…,
- plugin ‘steamvr’ (referenced via default plugins → steamvr input.plugin) does not contain the ‘steamvrinput’ module…
- System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added
2,3 seem to be solved because the log now doesn’t tip that.
Ignore my poor English cuz I’m not native speaker but a UE4 learner.Thanks a lot for your reading and responding. Have a good day!