SteamVR Chaperone doesn't package for android in unreal engine 5.1.1

Hello People,

I’ve been trying to package a project using some old legacy blueprints that i was using on my vr project since unreal engine 4.22. I’ve upgraded up to 4.27 with no problems when packaging a project but when i migrated to Unreal engine version 5.1.1 and tried to package my project for android i always get an error SteamVRChaperone is not available on the platform !? :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: ?! The project works fine in editor but when I try to package the project for the VR headset in android the problems persist.

I want to ask is the SteamVR plugins not supported anymore that I see that they are underlined as (deprecated). It would be great if there is an answer for this problem and I can continue my work but I would like to know if my project cannot be packaged anymore in unreal engine 5 and up.

It would be great to get a direct answer from the developers of the engine to know for sure what to do(should I migrate to 5.1.1 and up or stay to 4.27 max).

I found a workaround to use the new VRPawn logic to reimplement all my logic that I’ve made so far but it will take too much time to test if that is really the solution for the error that I am getting about the SteamVRChaperone is not available … I test a build from the VR template and it has no problem packaging for android only the problem appears when I am using my old blueprints from UE4.

Also I see that the SteamVRChaperone is in the source code of the 5.1.1 engine, but there are problems when you try to package a project when using those plugins(SteamVR, OculusVR and are with (deprecated) brackets). Is this an engine problem or is it by design.
