Steampunk Throne Room

Hi guys!
Been a while since I last posted here, learned a lot with Unreal 4 and the production pipeline in games in general.
Recently, I entered the ‘Throne Room Contest’ on polycount, and I decided that I’d do a cool steampunk environment.
(Shameless crosspost intensifies) Link is here (
Since I love seeing stuff on this forum, and love this forum in general, I decided to post some screens here!
Hope you guys enjoy it!

As I add more polish to it, I’ll add some asset breakdowns and texture breakdowns for a final presentation.
Anyway, thanks for looking at this guys! And thanks for being such a great community :smiley:

Welp, the contest is over, and I got my entry in.
Here are a couple of screens and asset breaks that I have on hand at the moment, I’ll edit this post
when I create some more.

Here’s a construction shot of the throne.

Also, here’s some assets that I created to add some fluff to the scene.

And the last thing I have is a short flythrough of the level.

I like the look and feel so far! Keep up the polishing! Cool combination of themes :slight_smile:

Very nice, love the overall look! =)