Steam VR Template

If I wanted to add another object in the scene to grab…what needs to be added to the new mesh? I thought to copy and paste the blueprint, but that didnt work. Any advice on importing new objects in the template and being able to interact (lift, inspect, throw) just like the objects placed in the scene.

I made a copy of one of the existing blueprints and used that (so I could mess around with it).
All it took to get the grabbing working for me was to add a socket to the mesh where I want it to be grabbed.
Everything else worked.

I think there’s other ways of doing it, but that was the simplest.

Also is it me or does time feel like it’s running at half speed inside vr?
I have to double the speed of animations and double gravity to get things to feel right.
Things animate at the right speed in the editor window though =/ I wonder if there’s some fundamental world config I’m missing…


Thx For your work, ok I’m waiting your instructions :slight_smile:

Hi Guys,
How do I change the hand back to the vive controller
How do I change the teleportation method 1 to use the Trigger button only? Ie hold trigger to choose location, release to teleport.
How do I get the teleport laser back?
How do I change the teleport effect? I’d just like a static cylinder.

For your first question just read the last answer of Proteus …
Your second is already answer too, go in the Vive_Pawn blueprint And you’ll find what you are looking for

for some reason, I don’t see the option to add a socket when I have the mesh selected and i go to the window menu option… any advice?

OK I give…

I am having issues with the Grab function as well. Would it be possible for someone to do a quick video showing us how that function works? I have been reading through the documentation and this forum all day and i keep getting compilation errors… (I know that I’m close but its really just frustrating at this point…

Bonus points if you show for both Static and Skeletal meshes… :slight_smile:

@Diem I put the 2 fbx files for the hands in the drive. In fact you just need to place the fingers at the right pose in Maya, 3DS or Blender. Then, export this frame into UE4. Do a 1D blendspace like the grab pose. Bingo. I’ll do a tutorial soon.
@Elleclouds you can put a socket on a static mesh, it’s within his properties. You can also put sockets on a skeletal mesh, it’s in the skeleton section.
@Talismansa The teleport effect is a particle effect taken from InfinityBlade demos. I’ve removed emissive and translucent materials from it since it was causing problems with some persons. You can change the particle effect for another without problems, check within teleport nodes.
@MaxRabbi As per the guide to pick up an object with the plugin 1)Make a blueprint of the mesh 2)Be sure that the mesh inside the blueprint is set at Collision/BlockAllDynamic 3)In the newly created blueprint, go to Class Settings and implement Grab INT, Grabbed INT and Release INT interfaces. 4)Copy and paste the event graph nodes. As a guide, copy and paste the event graph nodes found in Hat_BP (or any other “grabbable” objects found in the template). 5)Click on Create variable “Mesh Socket” and Create variable “Socket Name”

I just downloaded 4.12.3 I’ll try it out and test if everything is all right. I’ll check also the reported bugs and report in a few days, since there’s still a few bugs I want to fix.

Love you because you share information!!


Thanks for your work I’ll check that :slight_smile:

EDIT: This question is for personnal use and I’m asking you guys/girls who used this pluging. Did someone created an in game menu you can show up while playing and interact with controllers ?
Or just if you have a tutoriel I can use to do this ? because I was looking arround and got nothing.

Thanks though im still getting it for some reason even in a clean project without your plugin?

@ @Proteus… I’ve also got a few issues after packaging for the first time. The resolution seems to be half of what the editor preview is and performance is a lot worse as well. What’s the proper packaging procedure for vive?

I know the basics of adding commands to the level blueprint like stereo and screen percentage but it can’t be that simple surely? I’ve searched and there’s no good vive packaging guide. :frowning:

Any pointers on how to make a object just slide or rotate on grab? I’m messing with the ‘Actor Transform’ and ‘Object Location’ but so far no luck.

Where can I find this option? Can you point me in the right direction please

I can’t get this to work for the life of me. I have been trying this for 2 days…can you please help me out…I just want to add a mesh in the scene and be able to pick it up and manipulate it. please

Edit… I just duplicated one of the original items and changed the mesh name and mesh. Bootleg way to do it, but i’ve been trying to figure out how to use the grab function with my own items… sheesh… how do I change how the items are being picked up… edit the sockets?

Google has plenty of examples in video form but it is usually best to check the documentation if you can’t figure something out.


Hey , do you have any advice of how to grab something on one axis? For example to swing open a door. I feel like it is something to do with the world offset but can’t figure it out.

Would I create a custom blueprint interface with a rotator variable instead of a vector? Can’t test it at the moment…

There are a ton of ways to interact with things like that, physics constraints alone can limit things to a single axis. You wouldn’t use any of the attachment or “grabbing” functions for that unless you threw an invis scenecomponent in for a smooth transition by holding that up to a break point and interpolating the swing/position.

Levers and doors don’t need late positional updates to interact with so its somewhat simpler.

Hmm, I tried the physics constraints but when I grabbed the item it still did a free transform. So you are saying if I did a lever I wouldn’t use the grab function?

I’m also looking at the same thing, but I can’t test right now so if you find the solution I’ll will apreciate if you could share it with me :slight_smile:

Which ever one of us are first!

Diem - If you enable physics by default (disable gravity) and then set your physical restraints then you should get some locking. I have notices some collision jitters though…