Steam Setup Utility

Thank you LG! So the steam_api DLLs in v132 are from February. I noticed that the engine had ones from this month. Did you just overwrite theirs with the older one? Also, were you able to host and connect on Steam?

I love you!

Very interesting. The last few comments seem to point to this not working with the latest steamworks sdk (v135)?

I’ve the same problem in my project.
I follow wiki instructions step-by-step and steamworks only works on standalone PIE game.
When i package my game the output log show me this message:

UE4Editor-Cmd: LogInit:Display: Running engine for game: ProjectPesadelo
UE4Editor-Cmd: LogInit:Display: RandInit(-1695883520) SRandInit(-1695883519).
UE4Editor-Cmd: [2016.01.03-02.56.57:245]  0]LogOnline:Display: STEAM: Loading Steam SDK 1.32
UE4Editor-Cmd: [2016.01.03-02.56.57:246]  0]LogOnline:Warning: STEAM: Steam API disabled!
UE4Editor-Cmd: [2016.01.03-02.56.57:246]  0]LogOnline:Display: STEAM: OnlineSubsystemSteam::Shutdown()
UE4Editor-Cmd: [2016.01.03-02.56.57:264]  0]LogVoice:Warning: Failed to initialize voice interface

And all final executables dont show or initialize steamworks.

I tried to delete visual studio files, binaries and compile all, but nothing…

Any ideia how can i solve that problem?

had same issue, give up the steam for now.

Hi guys, this works beautifully for me but after package can’t create session. Please help! :smiley:

This tool worked perfect for me and finally been able to make my achievements work! But I have a question. Maybe a silly question but, there has been an update on UE 4.10. Now after the update am I going to have to apply the same process to my project again?

Does it work for 4.10?
Does it only work with C++?
The Tutorial Video is very fast, without explanations and just with C++… :frowning:

Seems, that this project is already dead…

Steamworks SDK
(in 4.7 and beyond you dont need to do this step, you will find the Steam binaries in Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/Steamworks) **

If I point to that directory and to the other directories…

Loading Settings
Steam Path doesn’t exist
Engine Path doesn’t exist
Game Path doesn’t exist

Does not work in any way!

I’ve been using this program for awhile now, suuuuper helpful, but when I use it with the new Unreal 4.11 the project becomes un-openable, just giving an immediate error/crash. Has anyone got it working with 4.11? Is the program still active or is it dead?

Great work!
On FileModify.cs , line 280, please don’t override the file that way. Instead, wrap the newly added module inside if ((Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win32) || (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64))

It’s cool and perfect on 4.14.3. Thanks for your effort!

Hey there! Thanks for the great app you created. It’s really helpful. I’ve been reading all the pages but couldn’t find the same problem I have. Let me explain:

I’m using UE 4.16.3 and have downloaded latest Steamworks SDK (1.42). I’ve followed your tutorial:

  1. Set the correct folders
  2. Enable Steam (with version 142, of course)
  3. Enable Steam in editor
  4. (Not sure if I should check this one) Enable Steamworks 132 Clobber fix.
  5. Delete binaries files
  6. Rebuild

After that it says that everything is correct but cannot find the UE4BuildConfiguration.cs. If I play in Standalone mode, Steam works perfectly, but when I launch a package (Windows 64 bits) it doesn’t. Also, when packaging, the log throws the ***Steam API disabled ***error. I have not registered my game yet in Steam (nor I’m a Steam developer)… is this important in order to make it work in the packaged game.

Thanks in advance.

José Manuel Camacho.

I know this is an old post, but it held promise to solve my current issue. Conan Exiles Modding upload to steam fails Error 44. This seems to be a new issue with little to no information on what to do for it. I tried this application you’ve posted, but it hasn’t solved the problem. However it does seem to address the files that are most likely causing the error. Do you plan on updating this application to work with recent versions of UE?


Hi, sorry I haven’t been keeping up with updates to this program due to my job. The application is pretty much just a text editor. If I do update it, I’d just turn it into a blueprint so that anyone can update it. Maybe I’ll take care of that soon.

is this still functional?