Steam Overlay not working on packaged game

Hi, I am working on a steam multiplayer using ue4 v4.26. When I play it as a standalone, steam overlay works fine but when I package the game, both as development and shipping build, the steam overlay doesn’t work. I’ve gone through every solution I could find online but no help! Please help me with this.

You should check out the SteamCore plugin, it has all the steam features exposed to Blueprints and you’ll also get Steamworks support.

For those who are having issues with their packaged build not working. I discovered that while I could build the Steamworks plugin with the latest version, SteamShared would still be using the default version.

I fixed this the dirty way, by changing the version in the packaged version to the default one. WindowsNoEditor\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\Steamworks

This is probably not how it should be done, but it worked for me.