I’m having issue when trying to package our game in Shipping configuration. When I package game steam overlay isn’t working. It works fine when I play game through editor as Standalone Game. Also as stated here No .log created in shipping build - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums shipping build isn’t generating any logs so I could debug this.
I am having this same issue, could you elaborate a little bit more by what you mean “add in your final release folder Steam DLL Needed and of course your app_id.txt”? Sorry I am just a little confused.
steam_appid.txt file is just a text file with steam appid assigned from steam in it. It’s required to be in game root folder when running with steam. In non-shipping builds, it’s generated automatically and deleted when engine shuts down gracefully (see here), but this needs to be manually created for shipping builds. engine uses SteamDevAppId value when it generates file.
required steam DLLs need to be located at Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\Steamworks\Steamv130\Win32 (or Win64 for 64 bit versions). If it’s not a dedicated server, only required DLL is steam_api.dll and/or steam_api64.dll.
I couldn’t package a shipping build for my game using steam on ue4.13.2 and came to this thread multiple times hoping for help. After must frustration I managed to work out what logs and error messages wanted me to do.
steam online subsystem couldn’t compile because I hadn’t installed correct visual studio packages. I had to rerun VS2015 Community installer and install “Common Tools for Visual C++ 2015”. Everything seems to work fine now and my UE4 no longer crashes during packaging.
I couldn’t package a shipping build for my game using steam on ue4.13.2 and came to this thread multiple times hoping for help. After must frustration I managed to work out what logs and error messages wanted me to do.
steam online subsystem couldn’t compile because I hadn’t installed correct visual studio packages. I had to rerun VS2015 Community installer and install “Common Tools for Visual C++ 2015”. Everything seems to work fine now and my UE4 no longer crashes during packaging.