Steam Multiplayer Tutorial Series?

Any Update ?

Waiting for this is so exhausting :frowning:

They released 20 E3 interviews, with the latest upload done a day ago, we are closer…

I’m accepting bets now in which week they’re going to release it :smiley:
End of July after E3… 2017 :smiley:

Haha, well you seem to have figured out we had a backlog of E3 in the way of this particular tutorial series, but I have been reassured that it is now the next priority, so it’ll be coming…

I’m only interested in C++ tutorials for UE, I have very little interest in using blueprints for anything other than materials and other basic stuff.

Hopefully a start to finish UE C++ multiplayer/steam integration tutorial doesn’t take as long as this, as this should have been given priority way sooner.

There is nothing you need to do specifically in C++ for steam to work, it’s a config var. That’s it. Want specialized functions like friends list joining? Goto Steam, they give you all of the “tutorial” you need… Epic doesn’t have to give us any information on how to use the steam subsystem because it’s 3rd party. Also, just because something is not C++, don’t just blow it off. BP’s are very powerful and allow you to do things that are hundreds and hundreds lines of code in a single node. Regardless if it’s slow, it’s something to take advantage of. Using C++ only and everywhere is a completely idiotic choice when using ue4. Especially when linking assets to code.

Not to mention that interfaces for friends lists / achievements / server browsers are actually really well suited to BP and slot right in with the UI design. It isn’t top priority for frame by frame performance handling browsers and subsystem information and is far easier to design around in BP.

Jumping into this thread to deliver an update…

This series is finally complete and is now live : Blueprint Multiplayer Tutorial Series

A quick note, this is a beginning-to-end series in that we start from scratch and create the entire front end solution for networked play and getting clients connected to a server.

We didn’t get into Steam Friends List Invites, pulling Steam Avatars or Steam Achievements or anything like that as this was meant to service getting the connection to occur first.

We can expand upon this down the road and can incorporate the elements you want to see included (some things aren’t possible yet purely in BP as well).

Apologies for the delay, but I’m glad you are able to finally get your hands on it.

Please let us know if you have any questions,


Wow, this is purely awesome!! Thanks Epic.

Hopefully Achievements and Leaderboard are not hard to implement in multiplayer.

Thanks a lot guys! I’ll have a look at it right now :slight_smile: excited

The 1st video in the series will show what we cover in the series. Now that we have this out there, we can move on to more advanced things as we didn’t have a beginning-to-end series on getting players connected which is what I wanted to tackle first.

As I mentioned, let us know what you want to see and we’ll try to cover it.

Great news , thanks! :slight_smile:

It’s out, yeah ! D: :smiley: <3

I can’t believe it we can finally watch these tutorials yoohoooooo :wink:


A tutorial on how to implement groups of players that can all travel to a game would be great. I’m assuming using online beacons are the way, but the documentation for it is confusing. Not 100% sure how I’d be able to set up a connection to a beacon from a matchmaking result and be able to reserve space on the host before we all attempt to travel.

We’ve tried some hacky solutions, but knowing the officially supported flow, even in brief, would be great.

Thanks much for the tutorials though! Super psyched to watch through them tonight.

Can’t thank you guys enough , you guys Unreal and Epic :slight_smile:

Thank you so much, ! I can’t believe that it’s finally out!

Can we use this thread to provide some feedback for our wishes regarding the expansion of this series?

Best regards,

For organization, I thought it best to create a new thread:

Feel free to throw any suggestions into that thread just so it is easier to keep track of them all.



I will post here because mine is not a suggestion for expanded content but a feedback for actual content.

In video 21 at 28:05

you create a new array to store character images and use it to assign the image to the new selected character, but is not better if instead of create a new array you directly get the button brush from his normal style like this?

in this way you not have to add a new element to the image array when you add a new button and you have more control on all stuff, for example if you change the image of a button you don’t care to manage an extra array of images :slight_smile: