Steam Multiplayer Integration

Hello community,

quick question and sorry if I’m in the wrong section. But I’m following Blueprint Multiplayer: Project Setup | 02 | v4.11 Tutorial Series | Unreal Engine - YouTube for setting up multiplayer functionality in a project. But I’m wondering, if we use this method for integrating multiplayer into a game, does that limit the game to only be playable though Steam? For instance if I get further down the road with a project and actually want to release it on other platforms, or through GOG, would that be possible? Or would I need to set up multiple multiplayer methods?

Thanks for reading!

If I recall correctly he isn’t using anything specific to Steam other than selecting steam as the subsystem. Some features might be specific to whatever service you are using like adding friends etc., but the general setup is shared among all the subsystems.

The whole idea behind the subsystems is that they can be swapped out and be interfaced with whatever service you would like to run the base functionality.