Hey guys,
I’v been reading documentation and watching videos (thanks PyroDev) about how to use steam functions with unreal engines.
But there are two problems.
First one is about a duel between two players, for example, a chess game. A turn-per-turn game. I don’t want anyone to host the server, i mean, two players press “find a match”, and they both end up together, but there may be a thousands of players looking for a match, it’s not like one is hosting with particular rules, and people just scroll a server list and select one. No way, it must be transparent to the player, and he will match with someone of his level.
How am i suppose to proceed ? Since everytime i find documentation, it’s only about hosting a serveur / joining a hosted server. Should i get rid of steams services once the player is logged in, and use a dedicated server that will just share common information ? That’s what i plan to do, but i would like to know if there is another better solution.
Is there an alternative ? Like, if no players matchs your level, you become a host, waiting for another player ?
Second is, about saving data. Ok my player has X wons, Y lost, his favorite coulor is green, whatever. I need to store thoses informations. I’v found out that steams has an interface called “steamremotestorage”, which is suppose to store information just as i wish. But i’v found nowhere anyinformation about how to proceed to put information, how it is sorted, how i can get it back, it’s a huge mess in my mind so if anyone can give me clear information about how to use it with unreal engine, that’ll be super nice !
Thanks you again guys ! you’v been such a great help previously !