Steam Multiplayer connectivity issues

Hey there, I’m creating a multiplayer game for PC and hopefully other platforms at some point. I have been stuck on a particular issue for almost 2 months which has been incredibly depressing and difficult to overcome as an independent game dev. I’ve just about completed the game’s functionality but as I was going to test with my friend over Steam using both the SpaceWar AppID, as well as the AppID I payed for, we simply are unable to find each-other. This is after 5-6 months of the game working perfectly over localhost and during personal multiplayer testing.

I have setup everything properly with the Steam subsystem, and the advanced steam sessions plugin. Please note as well that I have used Blueprints for all but 1 of the games more advanced functionalities.

All-in-all, does anybody know a coherent guide, tutorial, or group of informant individuals capable of helping me through what I assumed would be a simple conversion? This is incredibly painful for me to be running into such an illogical dilemma at the very end of such a long journey.

I have searched through this answerhub for an answer to my problem, but many of them lead me to videos with many likes, but in the comments most people said they did not work. I tried them anyhow, and they did not work for me either. Thank you for any help that is offered.