Hello, I have an issue for Steam Leaderboard system. I can’t write leaderboard integer neither with Blueprints nor with C++. I’m looking forums-answers for this issue and my mind will blow. Someone says “You need to put ‘_’ between names” but it doesn’t work for me.
Here’s my code for write integer value;
FOnlineLeaderboardWrite write;
write.DisplayFormat = ELeaderboardFormat::Number;
write.SortMethod = ELeaderboardSort::Descending;
write.UpdateMethod = ELeaderboardUpdateMethod::KeepBest;
TArray<FName> LeaderboardName;
write.LeaderboardNames = LeaderboardName;
write.RatedStat = TEXT("PHBestScore");
write.SetIntStat(TEXT("PHBestScore"), 10);
iol->WriteLeaderboards("GameSession", *pid, write);
And I get this error message;
[2021.04.05-12.01.12:105][677]LogOnlineLeaderboard: Warning: STEAM: Failure to write key value pair when uploading to Steam PHScore_PHBestScore=10
[2021.04.05-12.01.12:106][677]LogOnline: Warning: OSS: Async task 'FOnlineAsyncTaskSteamUpdateStats bWasSuccessful: 0 User: Anoberia [0x21132F2FFD0]' failed in 0.756331 seconds
[2021.04.05-12.01.12:109][678]LogOnline: Warning: OSS: Async task 'FOnlineAsyncTaskSteamUpdateLeaderboard bWasSuccessful: 0 Leaderboard: PHScore Score: 0' failed in 0.758298 seconds
I run game via .bat. I can see Steam Overlay so it connected steam subsystem. But how can I write integer properly? There’s a reading part which I don’t want to think of. Anyone help me?
Also, if I run this code, it creates a section named I mentioned in c++ but it doesn’t upload any entry.