Legion: The Eternal War
Recruitment Post
Nexus Division
In this PvP-centric MMORPG, players create their characters, join an alliance, and go to battle in a competitive environment. The fantasy world is wholly original, custom-made, and ready to transport PC gamers to a realm of magic and legend. Enjoy moving stories, rewarding progression systems, and nail-biting tension as the game unfolds.
Development Stage:
While many assets have been purchased and polished, Legion is still in its alpha stage. However, a demo is currently up and running, and Legion is already connected to steam, ready to publish and polish. The expected beta release date is February 10, 2018.
Team Members
Project Manager: Cody
Lead C++ Programmer: Henry
Secondary C++ Programmer: Mark
Third C++ Programmer : Position Open
3D Character Artist: Vitaly / Position Open X2
3D Modeler : Ricardo / Mason / Hiring Extra
Concept Artist: Vemmy / Alper / Majdf / SirDubDub
Sound/Music Programmer: John
Music Composer: Ryan/John
Sound Producer: Ryan/John
Animator: Ricardo / Timur / Arti
Story Writer: Travis Northern
Level Designer: Erica & Alex
UMG Widget interface: Marciano
Open Positions:
Currently looking to hire an extra animator, a extra character artist, a 3D/2D concept artist, an environmental artist, Modeller , Texture Artist , Extra Programmer and a particle effects creator/after effects/photoshop
Although we encorage anyone with game development interest to email a cover letter with
supporting references about work or experience. We will consider accepting anyone whos looking to expand there experience and join a awesome group! We may also train the right candidates.
Recommended Qualifications:
We are searching for team members that are experienced in their field, motivated to work, and dedicated to their contributions to the project. Communication is key; all team members must be fully prepared to deliver regular progress updates and receive any important instructions from the project manager. To maintain a healthy working environment, we also ask that candidates remain open-minded and cooperative throughout the creative process. We strongly consider these traits to be essential to Legion’s success. In addition, experience with Unreal Engine is a major bonus for these open positions.
You also can join the Private Beta by registering on the website!
If you are Joining the group we will give you a developers key to download early.
To Apply, Send Applications To:
E-mail: <codylegge@hotmail.ca>
Skype: <cody.legge1>