Steam FOnSessionInviteReceivedDelegate - Never fires?

digging through engine source and trying to find the event that a Steam account gets an invite - What i’ve found so far is FOnSessionInviteReceivedDelegate (OnlineSessionInterface.h) and the Delegate:
DEFINE_ONLINE_DELEGATE_FOUR_PARAM(OnSessionInviteReceived, const FUniqueNetId& /UserId/, const FUniqueNetId& /FromId/, const FString& /AppId/, const FOnlineSessionSearchResult& /InviteResult/);

When I add these to my game instance (I hope appropriately) - i’m not getting the delegate to fire… but the invite clearly comes through my remote (receiving) clent from IOnlineSession::SendSessionInviteToFriend()

/* Delegates for receiving a party invite*/    
FOnSessionInviteReceivedDelegate OnSessionInviteReceived_Delegate;    
FDelegateHandle OnSessionInviteReceived_Handle;      

void OnSessionInviteReceived(const FUniqueNetId& UserId, const FUniqueNetId& FromId, const FString& AppId, const FOnlineSessionSearchResult& InviteResult);  

OnSessionInviteReceived_Delegate = FOnSessionInviteReceivedDelegate::CreateUObject(this, &UOBT_GameInstance::OnSessionInviteReceived);      

OnSessionInviteReceived_Handle = Sessions->AddOnSessionInviteReceivedDelegate_Handle(OnSessionInviteReceived_Delegate);  

void UOBT_GameInstance::OnSessionInviteReceived(const FUniqueNetId& UserId, const FUniqueNetId& FromId, const FString& AppId, const FOnlineSessionSearchResult& InviteResult)
      GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 10.f, FColor::Purple, FString::Printf(TEXT("OnSessionInviteReceived - CPP CODE EXECUTED DELEGATE!!!")) );

i’ve done ALOT of digging on this and have found some mixed results with information - from the fact that “FOnSessionInviteReceivedDelegate sits idle - never truly fires in Steam Backend” to using a macro: STEAM_CALLBACK_MANUAL(UOBT_GameInstance, OnLobbyInviteReceived, LobbyInvite_t, OnLobbyInviteReceivedCallback); Which i cant get to work for the life of me… Alot of those params of that macro are in private folders in Engine source - but its within the modules that i’ve already added to the project… OnlineSubsystemUtils is where i dig up most of their references

@walldiv, did you get any solution on this? **OnSessionInviteReceived **ever worked for you?