In the it says:
PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string { “OnlineSubsystem”, “OnlineSubsystemUtils” }];
In the DefaultEngine.ini I simply pasted the commands from the wiki.
Why he cant find the DLLs? I’ve heard here in the Answerhub that I have to change this STEAM_SDK_VERSION things to v131 too, but I don’t find any file where I can change this… Please help!
This is actually something I am wrestling with right now, and it would be wonderful if there were some better docs+tutorials on this, and related steam topics.
Basically, what I have found, which may be what is tripping you up here, is that the steam version is likely still set to v129 or v130. Epic’s most recent release uses 130 and in order to change that version you need to have the open source version of the UE4 engine which you can download from GitHub, not the precompiled version that you download and use through their launcher.
I would recommend using steam v130 for the sake of simplicity and you should be able to get steam to tie into your game and give you the overlay.
Well its a long time since I wrote this, and I fixed it. However I took the v131 sdk (this is I think the newest) and renamed the folder in “Steamv129a” in place of “Steamv131”. So in my version of the engine, it uses 129a so you can simply rename folders to update or downgrade the steamworks version and in the main games .h file I wrote #define STEAM_SDK_VER TEXT(“Steamv129a”). That works for 4.4.3 I don’t have a upwards version but If I get my Game Jam Key, then I will try. But however, docs and tutorials would be better than my rename solution.
LG Johnny / iUltimateLP