Also, talking about a different issue: Phonon Probe Volumes do not have collision settings as other Volumes and this may be a problem with trace interactions used in the VR template for teleporting. Would it be possible to change the collision preset for this object?
On a different topic: checked out the generated .obj in blender and all or most of the normals seem to be inverted. Is this a problem?
I’m experiencing a weird behaviour in the generation of the probes, using “Uniform Floor” as placement strategy, could the two issues be linked?
As concerns probes placement, as reported in a previous post I’m experiencing some unexpected behaviour:
In this case probes get placed only in the central part of the volume (above a table in the scene)
In this case they get placed outside the volume. Please note that this may be linked to the 45 deg rotation relative to the Z axis of the volume:
At the moment, we only support axis-aligned volumes (no rotation). I figured at some point folks would try to align - will probably disable rotating the volume in the next release.
I’m not sure why your first situation would be happening. What do the other views look like (front, side), and is all geometry that we’re looking at tagged and exported?
On a different topic: checked out the generated .obj in blender and all or most of the normals seem to be inverted. Is this a problem?
I’m experiencing a weird behaviour in the generation of the probes, using “Uniform Floor” as placement strategy, could the two issues be linked?
We don’t put restrictions on which way the normals face, so that should not be a problem.
Ok, I will try using volumes without rotation. If it can be useful I will PM you th e generated .obj for debugging, not all the geometry is tagged and exported, just floor, walls and the table.
In general, if you use raycasts ( to find intersections with the scene’s static objects (e.g. using the node LineTraceForObjects) you may want to pass as objects the type “WorldStatic”, because this is the default object type for all static objects.
Since some volumes by default are WorldStatic too (e.g.NavMeshBoundVolume), if you don’t change the collision preset for the volume to NoCollision or to Custom + a different Object Type inside this volume the LineTraceForObjects would not work because it would always intersect with the volume. This is for example the case for the “teleportation” raycast used in the VR template.
The Phonon Probe Volumes seem to be WorldStatic too, and do not allow at the moment to change object type or collision preset (so at the moment the only solution is to change the object type of all the other objects in the scene). Please let me know if you need more specific details, or let me know if I am missing something obvious
Figured it out. The volumes used “Uniform Floor” placement strategy, but were placed above the floor (I thought they should encompass only the area where I wanted probes). Including the floor fixed the issue.
Ok, I was using listener centric reverb. With source centric reverb both occlusions on sounds played dynamically and indirect contribution for occluded sounds work properly, thanks.
Am I missing something, or isn’t it a bit laborious to add PhononGeometryComponents to every single non-negligible-sized StaticMeshActor in a level? Any way to automate it?
The fastest way to export is to use the hierarchy: add an empty actor, attach the geometry component there, enable “export children,” and attach any other actors you want under it.