Steam App ID Not Working...

I have successfully gone through the Steam Greenlight process and I have received my Steam App ID for Riders of Asgard. I have also successfully integrated the Steam Online Subsystem as well as the Advanced Sessions plugin and everything works fine when I am using the default App ID of 480.

As soon as add my Steam App ID nothing seems to work.

Is there some trick to using your own Steam App ID?

EDIT: I managed to resolve this issue on my own and have provided a comprehensive answer to the issue.

Okay … it is as I suspected … you need to have your base packages up on Steam first as Steam doesn’t know you have the game in your library.

If you don’t have your standard
packages, you don’t own a copy of your
game, and the API isn’t going to
initialize. Generally the first thing
to do after creating an app is to
check whether the standard packages
are present, otherwise you’re going to
have headaches.

Note that packages aren’t the same as
depots; check your related items page
and see if you have a store package up
top and a yellow and a red package
near the bottom.

So, I will spend some time getting this all working and I will even get a demo of Riders of Asgard up on Steam. Hopefully then I can move forward, so many hoops. 8-}

Okay … so to everyone who is having this problem, it turns out that sometimes the default packages don’t get created and you need to get Steam to add them. There is a quick way to check and I have added some screenshots to show you what you should be looking for.

Log on to your Steam Partner page and go to the main page of your game.

Check if you have something similar to the below image listed at the top of the page:

If you don’t then you need to contact Steam Partner Support to get it added. You can confirm it is added by clicking on the link below, on the same page:

And then looking for these entries near the bottom of the resulting page:

If all that is there then your default packages are correct and it should all work. If none of those entries are there, contact Steam Partner Support and they will quickly add it for you. I got mine added by joining the Steamworks Development Group ( and asking for help there:

Steamworks Partner Support saw my post, checked my app and added the packages for me … and so now when I am testing my game with Steam logged in and the Steam subsystem configured, I finally have this:

So for those of you struggling with this, it was a Steam problem and not an Unreal Engine problem and the only way to get it resolved is to get in touch with Steam Partner Support. I must also reiterate that this doesn’t always happen.

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I got problem creating new session for my appid:

[2017.04.25-09.40.31:865][775]LogOnline:Warning: Async task ‘FOnlineAsyncTaskSteamCreateLobby bWasSuccessful: 0 LobbyId: 0 LobbyType: 0 Result: ‘15’ k_EResultAc
cessDenied (access denied)’ failed in 0.359984 seconds

This means that Valve has to enable our AppId for lobby creation i guess. The problem is that they do not answer our posts at Steam Partner Support, and there’s alot others in the same situation in these forums.

Can I enable my AppId manually or do i have to wait and see if we’re lucky with Valve? Feels like talking to a wall sometimes ;).

Any1 got pointer what we could do?

Hi. I got the same problem.
Do you have any news? Did steam give the access?

When I use SteamDevAppId=480 it works perfect. But with my Custom app id it gives me the error mentioned below.

“LogOnline:Warning: Async task ‘FOnlineAsyncTaskSteamCreateLobby bWasSuccessful: 0 LobbyId: 0 LobbyType: 2 Result: ‘15’ k_EResultAccessDenied (access denied)’ failed in 0.391579 seconds”

I’ve got this problem too

I have this same problem but I am using the development ID 480, when i just create lobby’s, any dice on how to fix this ?

anyone? having the same issue here! please post the solution if you find it

I have all the packages Added and i am still getting this problem

I don’t use Unreal, But I reached this page with same problem.
I resolve my issue so I write down here.

Simply, I used wrong steam id. When you play a build, steam automaticaly set user ID from your steam account you log in.

I used different accounts for playing steam and steamworks. So I opened steam application and changed to right account, It worked.