Steam API disabled, that is what i got in output log. As the result steam overlay not appearing.
I followed different tuts to set up steam in my project, and got same results.
Used launcher Engine.
Also, I debuged it, and this what i found. Hope it will help you
First, I found “Steam API disabled” line inside code.
Than, I went inside IsEnabled() and defined that problem was here
After a bit more digging, I faced with this function, where “Switches” var. have no “GAME” inside it.
That caused IsEnable() to be false.
P.S. Also I build my game, and result was the same, no steam overlay. Used Steam SDK 139
P.S.S I’ve tried to make it with source engine from git (4.16.2). Same here.
And made this with Launcher Engine 4.17 (on a new empty project). Still have that problem