Steam and Dedicated Server Issue

i want to run a dedicated server with the steam oss. i have the dedicated server built but it wont create a session:

Obviously im doing something wrong there as i dont think the server has a player controller…

This is the Dedi running with the failed to create session error.

Even if i get this sorted out i have no idea how to connect to it. i tried console commands:
“open <address>:7022”
“open <address>:7023”
“open steam.<mysteamid>:7022”
“open steam.<mysteamid>:7023”

all return an error:

i need this connection to work so i can start working out the persistance i have partially created and need to test to finish. Since i added Steam i cant run anything in the editor as a server to test any of that stuff anymore so steam made this 9000% harder, however my player DB system is centered around a players Steam ID. so i need to figure this out.

no one knows how to connect to a steam dedicated server directly in ue4?