I’m struggling to unlock my achievement through Steam. I have everything setup according to almost all tutorial on this Forum. My Overlay is working. The achievement its calling right since I have the same game approved by other platforms as Playstation and Xbox, where the achievement unlocking is a requirement and the interface call are the same for both platforms.
I’m using:
- Unreal 4.27+ (Compiled against the engine, this game was developed to console too)
- Steamv151 (steam_api64.dll)
On my DefaultEngine.ini I have:
- I using both SteamAppId and SteamDevAppId since on the forum’s tutorial they mentioned SteamDevAppID, but if I go to look on the OnlineSubsystemSteam class doesn’t have a SteamDevAppId variable, only SteamAppId. So I decided to use both just in case.
On the Steamworks Portal I have the same achievements. The ID is right, I checked a lot of times, used CTRL + F, just to be sure. They are the same and without space before and/or after. I published twice, did a fake edition just to guarantee that everything were updated.
I’m calling the SteamAPI_Init when my module load and on Tick calling SteamAPI_RunCallbacks.
On my PROJECTNAME.Build.cs I added the line: DynamicallyLoadedModuleNames.Add(“OnlineSubsystemSteam”);
- I tried with this line commented out but still failed.
I attached Visual Studio to a development build and could check that functions on OnlineAchievementsInterfaceSteam, class responsible for calling Steam SDK APIs, its being called and the callbacks are being triggered. The outcome from this callbacks are being Succesful to OnWriteAchievementsComplete and I have a screen log that also shows me that.
This debugging method was done to build that was not uploaded to Steam. The Steam_Appid.txt adds to the project and when I start the game from build, it is being created with the right ID.
I uploaded the same build to steam from SteamPipeGUI and downloaded directly from steam, and this development build also haven’t unlocked achievements.
Did the same for Shipping build. it Failed.
The tutorial I followed was: