Just wondering if we have to use std math function when coding, like for example including
**#include <algorithm>
in order to use
**std::max<float>(a, b);
Or if there is a better equivalent in UE4 ? (didn’t find it if so)
Just wondering if we have to use std math function when coding, like for example including
**#include <algorithm>
in order to use
**std::max<float>(a, b);
Or if there is a better equivalent in UE4 ? (didn’t find it if so)
its in the FMath:: namespace. so you have to use FMath::sine(), and etc.
For the container stuff, the built in TArrays and others have all you need.
Thanks! What mean F anyway?
Seems like it’s just an “other” prefix.
Yeah could be very cool to have the complete coding rules of UE4…
Thanks, I have replace my use to std::min by FMath !
Thanks ! Will be helpful
I suppose it is F for ‘float’ (as opposed to double).
Take a look at Epic C++ Coding Standard for Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.3 Documentation
F is for other class that don’t extends from UObject, AActor
You’re both right. F started with FVector as a vector of floats, but for one reason or another it’s now the prefix for all structs (required for any reflected USTRUCT(), optional for non-reflected structs but part of our coding standard).
Michael Noland
I vote it gets replaced by “S” then.
Just joking, April Fool’s!