The story for my game is like this you play as a unnamed character who is lost in the woods you have no recollection of your memory or how you got here. You weren’t the only one at first there were five but one by one they decided to venture out into the forest in attempt to escape they returned but as something else you can see them in the shadows covered in darkness and with bright eyes waiting and watching the fire keeps them away but eventually that light will fade and with it you. When everything seems completely screwed you see a light in the distance and what looks like a person you cant be sure you decide to seek it out you grab a torch and run for it climbing up a rugged hill you find another fire with what appears to be another camp then you see them more lights in the distance leading towards somewhere you follow them like a moth to a flame.
The world will appear broken and mysterious.
There will be enemies they appear as people but are completely shaded into darkness and have bright eyes they instakill you if your torch goes out.
The more exploring less fighting thing is good, but that is really costly. You have to create environments that are lightly passed by the player. Everyone likes to feel the dynamics, but sometimes you can’t afford it and you’re forced to keep the player at same environment for longer period of time.
Make it so! I’d love to see more experiences like this. And “less fighting” doesn’t have to equal “less to do”… there are other ways to slow down the experience without resorting to repeatedly running back and forth between the same areas, or forcing the player to waste an inordinate amount of time to find needles in haystacks. Just for a couple non-horror examples, Machinarium and Fez did this quite well: giving you a fair amount to take in and consider in each location without getting to the point of boredom or frustration. And even the Silent Hills (at least the first 4) devoted a lot more time to exploration, story, problem solving, and just taking in the environment, than they did to time spent fighting (which in a way made the combat encounters all the more intense and fear-inducing).
So far unfortunately I haven’t made a lot of progress with stay in the light due to the fact that I was ill all though I will soon be acquiring some of the various
materials and environments on the marketplace that I need for the game the forest pack and the environmental fires. I’ve also been
thinking up the layout that im going to set the game out in the player starts of in a ruin type area from their hell make his way through
the forest to five different locations from one fire to another until he reaches the final area. I’ve also came up with a way to end the game
I want the player to be drawn to the final area an abandoned house by music using the same
system by The Evil Within the safe zones music whenever I heard it playing I knew if I found it id be safe and could continue playing without ease until I would be brutally murdered
five minutes later but with the time I have to completing it I need to focus on creating the game instead of music still though
I’ve pasted a link of the music below to show you what I mean listen to it if you get a chance.
Good news I’ve made the first area of stay in the light the shack its worn and torn and looking good ive also just got the environmental fires
from so now I only need the countryside pack and i can start to make the rest of the forest. So to sum up im making good progress
on stay in the light and I’ve almost got all the materials oh and by the way ive created some concept art of a map with the layout of the forest
but I don’t have time to scan it right now so you can expect to see it in my next thread.
I still haven’t got the countryside pack for my game after all this time so ive decided instead of thinking of how im going to layout the environment of the game
ill focus on the more important parts of it that the player will be passing in the game. That’s why ive been making the well another important area in the game
and so far its looking pretty good the rope parts for the bucket has been the hardest part but im working on it.
Ive created a old worn bridge in 3ds max for my project so far it looks great im thinking of making the middle part of it which is broken move slightly under the stream of water ive also
been changing the scale of the land make mountains around the map so the player doesn’t end up walking into nothing should have probably done that first but better later than ever
other than that things are going along well STILL haven’t got the countryside pack but ill be getting next week Finally and I can start filling the environment.
Instead of the countryside pack ive been given the tropical forest pack not exactly what I was expecting but in comparison with each this one is far more better the only down side is that I don’t have the house for it I
could just add the countryside pack as well but I recently found out that you cant actually go inside the house so instead ill be making the house for the end of the level which is probably going to be the hardest part.
Sorry I haven’t updated this in a while everything is going well regarding the environment of the game ive recently started adding the
tropical forest pack to the game and yes I know its taken forever but in my defence Ive came across a lot of problems I wont go into detail though anyway
the games really starting to come together tomorrow im going to try and finish of the environment and add the assets that I created in 3ds max.
Ive got a lot done in the past week ive added the assets that ive made in 3ds max and completely finished the environment
of the game it looks amazing ive also added a cut scene for the intro with help from Lewis now all that’s left to do is add the first person
and the interaction into the game im almost finished.
The intro for the game looks great ive made the interaction and my games really dark like REALLY dark I actually had to add to make it light again
so I could continue working it looks awesome just adding the end point for my game and a few minor tweaks to the detail of the house and that’s it ill be done.
With out trying to sound rude the best way you could get people more interested besides making small little update posts is show something even if it’s a really WIP cause after seeing 9 update posts and not a single screenshot or artwork of any kind people will probably just look away. Sounds cool don’t get me wrong but just trying to be helpful.