Station C3 - Sci-fi Environment (WIP)


  • New Carpet: I think this one looks much better. Added some wear and dirt.
  • New wall piece: SyncFlow300
  • Changed the lighting to nightime



nice work so far, congrats. The carpet looks interesting. :slight_smile:

Thanks, glad you like it :slight_smile:

Video of the last update

Looking good. Reminds me of Deus Ex.

Thanks. Ok I see what you mean :slight_smile:

Some updates:
Added a moving fan and started shaping new modules.

Working on the restaurants…


Looks amazing so far!

I like the intense color palette. nice work.


Thanks! Yes orange is great.

I had the crazy idea of using wood on a portion of the wall. Is there wood in space? Of course not! This is just a synthetic coating imitating wood! :slight_smile:
What do you think? Keep it or lose it?
Changed the scene back to daytime.

Awesome :smiley: Love it, it gives nice contrast between all the grey :smiley:

Yesterday I updated unreal from version 4.11 to 4.12
After I converted the project I noticed that things looked different. Everything is darker, more contrasty and some materials way more reflective.
If you look at the floor this is very obvious. The rough areas on the floor turned almost white in version 4.12
I already tweaked a lot of parameters but I still can’t replicate the look I had in version 4.11…
Any suggestions?

The worn carpet is dope! I like the idea of a worn space environment.

Thanks chillz9!

I’m having a hard time making this glass material look right inside UE4. It’s very different from what I get in Substance Painter as you can see. The glass is not a separate object, it’s part of the same mesh, so when I set the material to translucent inside UE4, other parts of the mesh get transparent too… so I decided to try changing the material blending mode to masked. Now the object is opaque but the glass transparency doesn’t accept intermediate values: its either is completly transparent or completly opaque…
Any clues on how to solve this?

Environment Update


Concept for a sci-fi column that I’ll be modeling next

Hey looks great :wink: Looks kinda SciFi ArchiViz to me.

Waiting for updates. Btw your latest concept for the pillar is very interesting, gg! (ninja drawing skills ;))

Thanks. Glad you like it. Yeah it’s lookin too much archviz for my taste. I’ll try to “sci-fi” it a bit more from now on. :slight_smile:
Will be starting on the column tomorrow.

Sci-fi column. Almost finished.

Sci-Fi Environment WIP (UE4)
Here’s a small update after a long pause. Sorry about that, I’m going to post more often from now on.
The fern is from megascans :slight_smile:
