StaticMeshComponent0 has to be 'Movable' if you'd like to move.

Hey Everyone,

First time posting here.

Been doing some dev on a project and have wanted to create a levitating sphere.

Found a step by step and followed it word for word making sure everything matches up.

Getting a very frustrating error message after running the game and the Static Mesh Actor isn’t levitating or showing up during runtime.

Here is the error code:

Mobility of /Game/FirstPerson/Maps/UEDPIE_0_FirstPersonMap.FirstPersonMap:PersistentLevel.BP_Wisp3_C_UAID_E89C25C4D7990D2502_1381258860 : StaticMeshComponent0 has to be ‘Movable’ if you’d like to move.

I have been through the actor and child of the SMC, and every box possible has been ticked to “Movable”.

Is this a known issue with the version of Unreal I am using?

The only way I can currently get it to move, is by a sequence animator, but that means for each individual sphere I place, I have to create a new animation as the XYZ of the sequence is relative to where I place each sphere.

Any help appreciated thank you!

Unreal Engine Version: 5.2.1

Box? :thinking: It should be this setting right here:

Screenshot 2024-10-13 002808

Sorry, the checkboxes for certain fields relating to an item being “Movable”.

So what happens when you click on your static mesh component, navigate to the details window and turn this setting to movable?