Hey Everyone,
First time posting here.
Been doing some dev on a project and have wanted to create a levitating sphere.
Found a step by step and followed it word for word making sure everything matches up.
Getting a very frustrating error message after running the game and the Static Mesh Actor isn’t levitating or showing up during runtime.
Here is the error code:
Mobility of /Game/FirstPerson/Maps/UEDPIE_0_FirstPersonMap.FirstPersonMap:PersistentLevel.BP_Wisp3_C_UAID_E89C25C4D7990D2502_1381258860 : StaticMeshComponent0 has to be ‘Movable’ if you’d like to move.
I have been through the actor and child of the SMC, and every box possible has been ticked to “Movable”.
Is this a known issue with the version of Unreal I am using?
The only way I can currently get it to move, is by a sequence animator, but that means for each individual sphere I place, I have to create a new animation as the XYZ of the sequence is relative to where I place each sphere.
Any help appreciated thank you!
Unreal Engine Version: 5.2.1