StaticMesh created from Brush not duplicated properly on alt-drag [4.8p4]

Started with a box brush, got it to the shape I want, then created a static mesh from it. Then edited static mesh to set “lightmap coordinate index” to 1, added collision, and saved.

Doing an alt-drag to duplicate the original object that has been turned into an SM results in an invisible duplicate, with no static mesh assigned.

A second copy of it, added from the content browser, duplicates properly.

If multiples are selected, none of them duplicate properly if the original is included in the alt-drag.

So the workaround is simple and obvious, but it still seems like something the devs would like to know about.

p.s. Why does setting lightmap coordinate index to 1 need to be done manually? Is there ever a case where one would want it to be 0?

Hi ,

I was able to reproduce this bug and have entered a bug report, UE-16440 to be assessed by the development staff. As another workaround, you can go to the Details Pane of the actor selected and re-assign the mesh to the Static Mesh section.