StaticLoadClass can't ever find target class

I’m trying to create a system to load objects into the game based on string variables. What I’m trying to do is that i have a collection of blueprints inside a certain folder and use function StaticLoadClass to load those blueprints during runtime.

**However, ** every time I try to load any blueprint’s class(not just of those I want to spawn) the StaticLoadClass always only results in a warning like: LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find object 'Class None./Game/test’

It might be worth noting that I did also try to load it from the full asset reference (not just the path) with the same result. I’m 100% sure that the blueprint is where I’m trying to load it from since StaticLoadObject can find it fine.

Here’s the code for loading the classes

UClass*  UFunctionLibrary::StaticLoadAssetClass(FString path)
	UClass* asset = StaticLoadClass(AActor::StaticClass(), NULL, *path);
	if (asset)
		return asset;
	UE_LOG(ZeroLoad, Error, TEXT("Failed to load class at path: %s (not found)"), *path);
	return nullptr;

Does this function work only on C++ classes or am I doing something wrong?

I can temporarily bypass the function by loading the blueprint asset and then getting its generated class but the original method would be a better solution

Thanks for any help!

What is the actual path you are passing in? Does it have Class' or Blueprint' at the front of it (it shouldn’t)? Does it have _C at the end of it (it should)? Is your class actually a subclass of AActor?